Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Planning Tips for Kids Birthday Parties (part 2 of 2)

Think of a theme. If your child is old enough to pick a theme for his or her kids birthday party, them allow him to her to do so. This is important to ensure that the celebrator will enjoy the party. This is also one good way of asking help from the child in the things that need preparation. For younger children, choose a general theme that kids of all ages can relate to such as fairy land and castles for girls and pirate theme for boys. If you have a theme this early, there will be more time for you to choose decorations and even costumes for the party.

Pick a venue and set the time. To do this, you can get a consensus from the guests you are planning to invite. It is a must that you consider their respective schedules so you can come up with one that is convenient to all of them. The same goes when picking a venue. Don’t choose a location where parents and other guests will be a hard time finding.

Try to make and send birthday party invitations the soonest possible time. Once you have a theme, location and time, you are ready to make the invitations. You can create your own invitations depending on the theme of the party or you can just but ready made one to save some time. It is a must that you send these early and as for an RSVP so you will know how many guests to expect. In inviting for kids birthday party, it is not necessary to invite everyone.

Just invite those that are immediate family members like cousins, playmates, and classmates as well as teachers of the child if he or she is already in school.

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